Wednesday 5 October 2016

Goa Beach Tour -Special Holidays

The vast expanse of blue ocean, white sand scattered all around, most comfortable attire in form of a swim suit and vitamin D and tanning in plethora through sunbath are the most luring benefits you extract from beach holidays in India. The plum trees and other green patches along the shore which do hinder the sunrays at certain spots add much beauty and glory to the beaches. Reading some compulsive book or trying to unfold the mysteries of ocean from a safe distance or simply lying down with eyes shut are some of the ways to spend hours and hours together at beaches. 
The best bit about it is that you are able to relax completely and rejuvenate your younger self. Rolling over in the sand or some quick dips besides swimming to certain distance may help you relax in better way. And yes the delicious seafood and its variety may play with your taste buds and metabolism for better. Towards the end of the day, the beaches turn into party haven and enjoying alongside shore of an endless ocean can seldom be a tiring notion and the enjoyment carries on till the first rays of sun kiss you softly on your cheeks.